5 Writing Tips for Non-Native Speakers

How I improved my English to be able to write stories in a foreign language

Christian Behler
5 min readJul 6, 2020

The best language for content on the internet is English. There are 370 million native English speakers and as it is the global language a high percentage of non-native speakers can also understand it. According to this list, a total of 1.268 billion people speak English as their first or second language, which ranks first in the total number of speakers. Therefore it is the best way to reach the highest number of people. But how can you get your English to a high enough level to be able to write engaging and interesting stories without hundreds of grammatical errors? I don’t think I am close to a native speaker’s level yet, but I feel confident enough to post content on the internet consistently. Here are a few ways how I improved my English skills to do it.

Photo by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash

0. School

A lot of people learn English as their second language in school. A few years ago it has even been pushed to the elementary school level here in Germany. Therefore I am going to include school on this list. School is a good way to learn the basics of a language, but unless you are a very dedicated and diligent learner, it is difficult to get to a higher level from just school alone. The best way to pick up a language is to use it…



Christian Behler

M. Sc. Computer Science and Physics, Indie Game/Software/Web Developer, Writer, 3D Artist, and too many other interests. https://pingpoli.medium.com/membership